Your users can download our Pogoplug Companion software for free to back up files on their computer to their team folder(s). Users can download and share files within the folder Editors can not only download and share files, but can upload and delete files as well. You can choose to give users different permissions on any folder by choosing an Editor or User designation. Add Users: Once you have created folders on your account you can add users. These settings can be found on my. by selecting Settings in the top right corner. Customize the User Interface: Customize the look and feel of the Pogoplug Web interface, landing pages for shared files and s that are sent automatically when you share files or add users. As Team administrator, you ll be able to see all your account s files and folders, make changes to the UI, and add or remove users. All you need is a Web browser, and you can set up your Pogoplug Team account in just 4 easy steps Activate Your Cloud To activate your unlimited Pogoplug Cloud, visit and sign in to your Pogoplug account. Getting Started Getting started with Pogoplug Team is fast and easy.
Free Mobile Apps Pogoplug Team members (users and administrator) can download free Pogoplug apps for iphone, ipad and Android to access and share files on the go. You can also use Pogoplug Companion to view your Pogoplug-enabled drives like a local drive on your desktop.
Pogoplug Companion Software Download our free Pogoplug Companion software on any computers that you want to back up folders to your Pogoplug Team account. Users can be added or removed at any time, and there is no limit to the number of users you can add to your account. Their privileges are managed by the admin. Flexible Users Users are added by the admin and can upload and download files and share links. Upload and share files of any size with no restrictions. Unlimited Cloud Storage Your Pogoplug Team account provides unlimited cloud storage for you and your users. The admin can add or remove users, see all files and folders, and make changes to the account. What s Included Welcome to Pogoplug Team! Here s what s included with your subscription: One Admin Account Pogoplug Team is set up through an admin account, and the administrator has privileges that user accounts do not. Backing Up Files With Pogoplug Companion b. Read phone status and identity - to stop music on an incoming phone call.1 Reference Guide Pogoplug Team Reference GuideĢ Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. Modify your contacts - for restoring backed-up contacts. Read your contacts - for sharing with people from the address book.

Pogoplug is cloud storage for your mobile life.